I ♥ Faces

Before & after comparison (edited in Camera Raw and PS CS5)




5455233650_f5501656e2_o copy 1 bw

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Before & after (edited in Camera Raw and PS CS5)

Untitled-3 ba

And black and white version.

5435491128_3089b9be3e_o copybw bw

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After - edited in PS CS5

Here is before - original photo:

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Fix-It Friday #73

After - edited
1st version used some raw recovery + PSE6, 2nd version used Autumn Love Action

3rd version basic B&W, 4th version Florabella Vintage Butterrcup (tweaked)

Here is the original photo:

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Fix-It Friday #71

After - edited (used some raw recovery and then processed in PSE):

4996915523_b5d58f3249_b after 2

4996915523_b5d58f3249_b after bw

Before - original:

4996915523_b5d58f3249_b before